Utones is an application that works on mobile phone with a GSM-based Mobile Content Delivery specialization.
Customers who see the ad will be paid when using this application. Utones can bring in mobile multimedia ad.
According Dendi Pratama, Head of Marketing Division of PT Mobile Communication Creative Indonesia said that this technology is new and first time in Indonesia, even in the Asia Pacific region.
In Utones applications, not only the advertiser who will only benefit customers but that is a consumer ads will gain 50 points on the GPRS and the compensation that is used as 50 points.
Points equivalent to a Rp 1. Total Rp 100 we provide for customers. Points will be collected in the wallet, the menu can be accessed in Utones. And customers can directly exchange with credit or other content such as ringtone, wallpaper or other, "he said.
With the concept of win-win solution, Utones profit sharing between advertisers, customers and agents Utones distribution.
For advertisers, plus Dendi, the media will get the ad with the target market is segmented according to product characteristics. Mobile phone users will get compensation for every ad viewed and the agency will be to get compensation from ads viewed by users who registered through these agents.
"No campaign is useless because it is not the right target. Advertisers will be directed to a specific customer. The customer will receive compensation each time you see the ad. Agents will also get hit. Overall fortunately," said Dendi.
However, this application has not been able to install in all types of phones that circulate in the market. Utones new mobile phone can be installed in the symbian operating system. Meanwhile, the next development is to support the Windows Mobile system.
Customers who see the ad will be paid when using this application. Utones can bring in mobile multimedia ad.
According Dendi Pratama, Head of Marketing Division of PT Mobile Communication Creative Indonesia said that this technology is new and first time in Indonesia, even in the Asia Pacific region.
In Utones applications, not only the advertiser who will only benefit customers but that is a consumer ads will gain 50 points on the GPRS and the compensation that is used as 50 points.
Points equivalent to a Rp 1. Total Rp 100 we provide for customers. Points will be collected in the wallet, the menu can be accessed in Utones. And customers can directly exchange with credit or other content such as ringtone, wallpaper or other, "he said.
With the concept of win-win solution, Utones profit sharing between advertisers, customers and agents Utones distribution.
For advertisers, plus Dendi, the media will get the ad with the target market is segmented according to product characteristics. Mobile phone users will get compensation for every ad viewed and the agency will be to get compensation from ads viewed by users who registered through these agents.
"No campaign is useless because it is not the right target. Advertisers will be directed to a specific customer. The customer will receive compensation each time you see the ad. Agents will also get hit. Overall fortunately," said Dendi.
However, this application has not been able to install in all types of phones that circulate in the market. Utones new mobile phone can be installed in the symbian operating system. Meanwhile, the next development is to support the Windows Mobile system.
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